This led onto a deal with Epic Records in 1976 with "Charlotte" being dropped for the more catchy "Charly". She sang in her brother's band, known as Charlotte and the Volunteers, had regular appearances on the local country music show "Mid-South Jamboree" and toured with artists such as O. Born 26th March 1956 native Tennessean Charlotte Denise McClain's country music preferences blended in well with the rock, jazz and blues sounds that surrounded her as she grew up in Memphis, a city that's a real melting pot of music. Why have a "Biggest Hits" in 1985 when a "Greatest Hits" came out three years earlier? But the releases, with different recordings, simply prove the immense success of this singer as she quickly piled one hit upon another.

The two albums twinned in this collection might cause slight confusion by their titles.